
擅长项目:别墅大宅 民宿旅馆 酒店空间 餐饮空间 休闲场所 文化空间 办公空间 商业展示
擅长设计:室内设计(硬装) 室内设计(软装) 建筑设计 景观设计 装置艺术设计
“不求恒久远,但求意未尽”– 安东尼.德.圣埃克苏佩里
“We don’t ask to be eternal beings,we only ask that things do not lose all their meaning.”--Antoine De Saint Exupéry
Founded in 2004 by partners Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu, Neri&Hu Design and Research Officeis an inter-disciplinary architectural design practice based in Shanghai, China with an additional office in London, UK. Neri&Hu works internationally providing architecture, interior, master planning, graphic, and product design services. Currently working on projects in many countries, Neri&Hu is composed of multi-cultural staff who speak over 30 different languages. The diversity of the team reinforces a core vision for the practice: to respond to a global worldview incorporating overlapping design disciplines for a new paradigm in architecture.
Neri&Hu’s location is purposeful. With shanghai considered a new global frontier, Neri&Hu is in the center of this contemporary chaos. The city’s cultural, urban, and historic contexts function as a point of departure for the architectural explorations involved in every project. Because new sets of contemporary problems relating to buildings now extend beyond traditional architecture, the practice challenges traditional boundaries of architecture to include other complementary disciplines.
Neri&Hu believes strongly in research as a design tool, as each project bears its unique set of contextual issues. A critical probing into the specificities of program, site, function, and history is essential to the creation of rigorous design work. Based on research, Neri&Hu desires to anchor its work on the dynamic interaction of experience, detail, material, form, and light rather than conforming to a formulaic style. The ultimate significance behind each project comes from how the built forms create meaning through their physical representations.
郭锡恩先生毕业于加州大学伯克莱建筑学院,获建筑学学士学位;之后,又在哈佛设计学院取得了建筑学硕士学位。在创立如恩设计研究室之前,他在普林斯顿的迈克·格雷夫斯建筑事务所(Michael Graves Architects and Associates)任亚洲区项目总监一职十余年之久,并在纽约多家知名的建筑公司任职。
Mr. Neri received a Master of Architecture at Harvard University and a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to starting his own practice with partner Rossana Hu, he was the Director for Projects in Asia and an Associate for Michael Graves & Associates in Princeton for over 10 years, and also worked in New York City for various architectural firms.
胡如珊女士毕业于加州大学伯克莱建筑学院,获建筑学学士学位;之后又获得普林斯顿大学建筑及城市规划硕士学位。在与郭锡恩先生创立如恩设计研究室前,胡如珊女士曾任职于迈克·格雷夫斯(Michael Graves Architects and Associates),普林斯顿的Ralph Lerner Architect PC,纽约的Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) 以及旧金山的The Architects Collaborative (TAC) 等著名建筑公司。
Ms. Hu received a Master of Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Music from the University of California at Berkeley. Before establishing Neri&Hu with her partner Lyndon Neri, Ms. Hu worked for Michael Graves & Associates, Ralph Lerner Architect in Princeton, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in New York City, and The Architects Collaborative (TAC) in San Francisco.
Lyndon Neri is also a founder of Design Republic, a retail concept store based in Shanghai that offers a unique collection of products created by the world's best design talents, many of which have never before been made available to consumers in China. The flagship store design, created by Neri&Hu, earned the Perspective Awards Best Interior Retail and the DFA (Design For Asia) Best Design of Greater China.
除从事建筑与室内设计之外,郭锡恩先生和胡如珊女士共同为包括荷兰品牌Moooi, 德国品牌Classicon, 意大利品牌LEMA, 立足上海品牌Stellar Works,西班牙品牌Gandia Blasco, BD Barcelona Design,Parachilna以及Meritalia在内的欧洲多家品牌进行产品设计,与后两个品牌的合作同时也是“施华洛世奇元素——『晶』心杰作”系列的一部分,在米兰展上大放光彩。
Aside from Architecture and Interiors, together with his partner Ms. Rossana Hu, Mr. Neri is actively working on a number of industrial design products for various brands in Europe including MOOOI, LEMA, Parachilna, Classicon, Gandia Blasco, Stellar Works, Meritalia and BD Barcelona Design, the latter two were in collaboration with Swarovski’s “SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS at Work” project.