Grzywinski + Pons是由Matthew Grzywinski和Amador Pons共同创立的纽约设计事务所。 致力于以优质,美观,创新和严谨方式打造卓越的设计作品。
Grzywinski + Pons is a New York design firm co-founded by Matthew Grzywinski and Amador Pons. Committed to creating outstanding designs in a quality, aesthetic, innovative and rigorous way.
Grzywinski + Pons将项目局限性视为促进创新的机会。每个项目都会面临挑战,如地域的限制,预算,进度,甚至政治问题。而Grzywinski + Pons将这些现实问题作为设计的灵感而不是障碍,创造出超越先入为主的解决方案,并避免创新的陷阱。
Grzywinski + Pons sees project limitations as an opportunity to promote innovation. Every project faces challenges such as geographic constraints, budgets, schedules, and even political issues. Grzywinski + Pons uses these real-world questions as inspirations rather than obstacles in design, creating a solution that transcends preconceived solutions and avoids innovation.
Matthew Grzywinski在布朗大学和 Rhode Island 设计学院学习,获得建筑与工业设计学位。作为独立执业者,他在2003年与Amador Pons共同创立了自己的工作室,主要从事商业空间和零售空间以及一系列住宅项目设计和管理的工作。
Matthew Grzywinski studied at Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in Architecture and Industrial Design. As an independent practitioner, he co-founded his studio with Amador Pons in 2003, focusing on commercial space and retail space, as well as a range of residential project design and management tasks.
Matthew Grzywinski曾经是一位发言人,评论家,贡献于纽约,伦敦,洛杉矶,巴黎,巴塞罗那,马德里,东京,多伦多,巴塞尔,慕尼黑和米兰的建筑和城市发展智囊团和首脑会议。
Matthew Grzywinski was a spokesperson and critic who contributed to the architecture and urban development think tanks and summits in New York, London, Los Angeles, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Tokyo, Toronto, Basel, Munich and Milan.
Amador Pons在Syracuse大学获得建筑学士学位。经过几年的经验,在纽约市及其周边地区进行了多次翻新和新建地下建筑大楼的建设,于2003年加入Matthew Grzywinski。
Amador Pons holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Syracuse. After several years of experience, several renovations and new underground building constructions were carried out in and around New York City, and Matthew Grzywinski was joined in 2003.
作为LEED认证的专业人士,Grzywinski + Pons秉持可持续发展的设计原则。开发了多种建筑工程,包括零售,商业,酒店和住宅,获得了国际关注和赞誉。
As a LEED-certified professional, Grzywinski + Pons adheres to the principles of sustainable design. Developed a variety of construction projects, including retail, commercial, hotel and residential, with international attention and praise.
Grzywinski + Pons可以想象未来的建筑物,能够使被遗弃的城市空间变得舒适,并且倾向于智能化和可持续的重建。他们的作品集创新,绿色环保和时尚的审美于一身。
Grzywinski + Pons can imagine future buildings that can make abandoned urban spaces comfortable and tend to be intelligent and sustainable. Their portfolio combines innovation, green and stylish aesthetics.
Grzywinski + Pons的项目是一系列住宅和酒店建筑,就对新兴地区敏锐的关注。除了现代和吸引人的美学外,建筑物也因为对共同空间的特别关注而具有社会价值,通过选择环保材料和大量绿色来改善邻里的生活方式。
The Grzywinski + Pons project is a series of residential and hotel buildings that are keenly focused on emerging areas. In addition to modern and appealing aesthetics, buildings also have social value because of their special attention to common spaces, and the choice of environmentally friendly materials and a lot of green to improve the lifestyle of the neighborhood.