Regan Baker
Regan Baker Design是旧金山一家提供全方位服务的室内设计公司,致力于将普通住宅改造成反映客户个性和生活方式的空间。
Regan Baker Design is a full-service interior design firm in San Francisco that transforms ordinary homes into spaces that reflect the personality and lifestyle of our customers.
Regan Baker Design是一个多人团队,创始人Regan Baker在室内和建筑设计方面拥有17年的经验。坚信设计应该舒适,现代而个性化,这是她努力在每个项目中实现的座右铭。
Regan Baker Design is a multiplayer team and founder Regan Baker has 17 years of experience in interior and architectural design. I firmly believe that design should be comfortable, modern and personal, which is the motto she strives to achieve in every project.
Regan Bake从小对设计感兴趣,13岁时就在纸上设计了梦想中的家,平面图包括两个在河边的环绕门廊。从得克萨斯理工大学室内设计专业毕业后,Regan Bake设定了一个目标,有一天拥有自己的设计公司。经过Gettys和Michael Hsu等优秀建筑事务所的工作后,于2007年实现了这一目标。
Regan Bake was interested in design since she was a child. At the age of 13, she designed her dream home on paper. The floor plan consists of two surrounding porches by the river. After graduating from Texas Tech University's interior design program, Regan Bake set a goal to have his own design company one day. After achieving the work of excellent architecture firms such as Gettys and Michael Hsu, this goal was achieved in 2007.
Regan Bake作为一位时尚前沿的设计师和精明的母亲,她明白个人风格和生活方式是家庭最重要的特征,也是个人或家庭成员的延伸。她认为木材和黄麻等自然元素有助于为任何房间带来温暖的感觉,而微妙的颜色和图案则是引入客户个性或家庭独特内在的方式。
As a fashion-leading designer and savvy mother, Regan Bake understands that personal style and lifestyle are the most important characteristics of the family and an extension of individuals or family members. She believes that natural elements such as wood and jute help to bring a warm feeling to any room, while subtle colors and patterns are a unique way of introducing a customer's personality or family.